Externalities in spirituality

prakasha ren
1 min readJan 8, 2021
Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

Seeking an external source of inspiration is just another trick. Another lie we tell ourselves in the process so that when we perceive failure it can be blamed elsewhere. Outside. Distant. Everything in our lives is internal. We engage with an externalized universe. Our experiences and reactions well up from within. Ultimately, the inspiration we believe to be external to us is an amalgamated reflection of our inner world. This is what is meant by “the world is an illusion.” None of us can clearly see the world exactly as it is because our kaleidoscopic filtration system of psychosocial conditioning is the only receiver. Reality is an externality our awareness brushes up against; at times it clings momentarily. A gentle slip of focus and we fall back into the wave pool. Be still within and watch the blurry, blinding glint of glitter fade to reveal a clarity so sharp, you finally feel the sleep has left your eyes. Even when the lens shifts back, you won’t forget the impossibly crisp image of the external and internal, united. Knowing it is always this way and only the seeking itself results in the blurring of the light.

